I am an experienced Speech-Language Pathologist based in Kennebunkport, Maine. I specialize in the assessment and treatment of children and adults who have speech, language, cognitive, or swallowing disorders. I can provide telehealth evaluations and treatments to clients in Maine, Massachusetts, and Minnesota.
I now offer telehealth visits or local home visits.

I grew up in Southern Maine and received my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education at the University of Maine at Farmington. I worked as a teacher, educational technician, and a substitute for many years. While working in schools, I met many speech-language pathologists and I saw how they helped my students. I decided to go to graduate school and in 2004 I received a master's degree in Speech-Language Pathology. After graduating, I worked in an outpatient clinic with children and adults. I've worked in skilled nursing facilities and in the acute care hospital setting. I am qualified to evaluate and treat children and adults who have speech-language disorders, cognitive communication disorders, or dysphagia. My experience is unique, I have been fortunate to work with both children and adults in my career.
I am licensed to practice as a Speech-Language Pathologist in Maine, Massachusetts, and Minnesota.
For the past few years, I provided telehealth speech therapy for students and adults in rural towns in Minnesota and Maine.
I must maintain a Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). I am qualified to administer modified barium swallow studies to assess oral-pharyngeal swallow function.
When I am not working, I am usually outside exploring or hanging out with my family and friends. In the summer, I love to go sailing and go to the beach. In the winter, we head to the mountains to downhill ski.
I recently became a certified yoga teacher!
I am excited to start this new adventure as the owner of my own private practice, Rise Speech Therapy.
I look forward to hearing from you!

15 Back Harbor Road
Kennebunkport, ME 04046, USA
Please email or fax speech therapy orders to 207-544-5091